Mastering Job Loss: 5 Essential Strategies to Bounce Back Stronger

In these times of economic uncertainty, the harsh reality of being downsized or fired is all too common. I’ve witnessed this firsthand, seeing how organizations, both profit-driven and governmental, have had to adjust their workforce due to financial constraints. I do not wish to be downsized or fired on anyone because it places much pressure on that person, and some can handle pressure while others cannot, but should the pressure be so great that one…

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Weathering the Storm: 5 Ways Small Businesses Can Prepare for Economic Uncertainty

Economic uncertainty is a fact of life for businesses of all sizes. What smacked us in the face of uncertainty was when COVID-19 hit the globe. I was affected as a business owner and saw first-hand the number of businesses that were crippled by this devastating epidemic. However, small businesses often feel the sting of economic downturns more acutely. With fewer resources and a narrower customer base, they can struggle to stay afloat during challenging…

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Are you a One-Person Business? How AI Can Supercharge Your Business as a Solopreneur

Written by Alan D. Benson, Founder and President of Benson Group, LLC Nearly all (99.9%) businesses are considered small by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). While the SBA does not have specific information on a one-person operation, it can be assumed that one person heads a significant number. Operating a business as a single person requires that you wear many hats. While you might be starting your business or at the comfort level of…

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How to Become a Networking Ninja to Forge Powerful Connections and Grow Your Business (Without Feeling Awkward)

By Alan D. Benson We all must have relationships if we want to build our business because they are the lifeblood of any business. In today’s hyper-connected world, where networks can make or break your brand, the ability to forge powerful relationships is no longer a soft skill. It’s a superpower. But let’s face it; traditional networking events can feel forced and awkward, leaving you wondering if the effort was even worth it. Fear not,…

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From Mom-and-Pop to Profitable: 5 Growth Hacks for Your Small Business in 2024

From Mom-and-Pop to Profitable: 5 Growth Hacks for Your Small Business in 2024 – These five growth hacks will help your small business thrive in 2024 and beyond. Discover innovative strategies and tips to take your business to the next level and achieve long-term success. With these tactics, your mom-and-pop operation can become a highly profitable enterprise.

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