Mastering Job Loss: 5 Essential Strategies to Bounce Back Stronger

In these times of economic uncertainty, the harsh reality of being downsized or fired is all too common. I’ve witnessed this firsthand, seeing how organizations, both profit-driven and governmental, have had to adjust their workforce due to financial constraints. I do not wish to be downsized or fired on anyone because it places much pressure on that person, and some can handle pressure while others cannot, but should the pressure be so great that one…

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How to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions: 10 proven strategies that work!

Written by Alan D. Benson It is the new year, and many of us have new year resolutions that we aim to achieve. Setting these resolutions can be exciting and daunting, whether losing weight, getting a job promotion, or learning a new skill. While some of us have great intentions to attain them, staying on course to achieve them can be difficult. Unfortunately, studies have shown that only a few people achieve their New Year’s…

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Education + X = A Sustainable Life

Recently I attended an educational conference where it was stated that by 2020, the City of Louisville will have a workforce demand for 40,000 additional degreed positions. As part of the conference, the groups gathered to discuss strategies to ensure that youth go to and graduate from college.  While I adamantly agree that there should be strategies and systems in place to equip youth to further their education, in today’s society, obtaining a degree is…

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