Are You Living a Life Where Nothing Seems to Go Your Way? How to Change Your Negative Circumstances into Positive Outcomes

By Alan D. Benson

Life can be very complex, and our circumstances are vital in how we feel, react, and stay motivated. In some situations, we can control, while in others we cannot. Adverse circumstances, such as being laid off or fired from a job or a relationship breakup, could paralyze who we are and how we move forward. Those situations or any negative situation could play on our psyche. Before we know it, we walk and carry out patterns that continue to impact the course we should take in life negatively. We constantly think about past events and unconsciously react to them.

Living within this type of life can be depressing and rob you of a life of fulfillment and purpose, and the key is to recognize it, determine the root cause, develop a plan to correct it and carry out your plan of action.

No one wants to admit that life is not going their way. We want to believe we are in control and can make things happen. Unfortunately, times like these arise; life can be unpredictable, and things can worsen. Despite these challenging circumstances, it is possible to turn things around and find a way to a brighter future.

The first step is recognizing and admitting that life is not going your way. Many people fall short because they get caught in a cycle of denial and never accept that they are going through a tough period. They close down and withdraw to reach out for help. Only when we can acknowledge and own the situation can we start making proactive changes in our lives. Being open to listening to a trusted loved one, mate, or friend plays an important role. Their support and feedback should be confidential, open, wise, and truthful so that you are able to receive their counsel with clarity. While you are open to feedback, be watchful for listening to the wrong people; therefore, keep your distance and conversations at a minimum from those who do not have your support.

The second step is to identify the root cause of the issue. Look closely at what has gone wrong and why things have worsened. Be honest with yourself and allow space for honest reflection. Whether it is a job loss, a relationship breakdown, or an illness, sit with the issues and brainstorm ways to address them head-on.

The third step is to create a plan for how you can move forward. It is important to be realistic and create achievable goals. Start by working out what you can control and what you cannot. Focus on what is achievable and within your influence and ensure it is realistic. Create a timeline for when you want to achieve specific goals and figure out how you will get there.

The fourth step is to put your plan into action. Achieving goals can be a difficult task on your own, so it is important to have a support system in place. Tell those closest to you what you are trying to achieve and invite them into your plan. This will keep you motivated and ensure that you have someone to problem-solve with and hold you accountable.

The key to turning your life around is to recognize the situation, identify the root cause, create a viable plan, be proactive in executing the plan, and, more importantly, have the belief and faith that your life will change. This is vital because you must condition yourself to receive positive outcomes. It does not mean that life will always be how we want it, but our outlook will make a difference.